When I first got into the street art game, I thought I may touch some nerves- but I never expected to touch a few hearts 💙 The response to my original Babbs Mill Boys piece was overwhelmingly heartwarming enough, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so honoured as to have been asked by the family of brothers Finlay and Samuel Butler to spray the boys on the wall of their home. No parents should ever have to go through such a traumatic ordeal- but on top of all that, these are bloody good people. I had the privilege of spending an afternoon with the boys’ family- they made me feel very welcome in their…
home as we (I had some much needed assistance!) took our time spraying Fin and Sam, before having a chill and a chat and really just getting to know each other some more. I don’t know how they do it- I’m sure that they’ve been through the gamut of emotions since experiencing the most tragic event imaginable some six months ago, but they’re mental strength and courage is truly commendable. My heart still goes out to all the family and I can’t thank them enough for letting me do this for them; to be told that it feels like I’ve ‘brought the boys back home’ is just about the most humbled I’ve ever felt.
Even though I’m sure that there are no amount of donations, flowers, kind words, or gestures that could possibly ease the pain for the friends and families- I just wanted to honour the lives of the four young boys- brothers Finlay (8) and Samuel Butler (6), Jack Johnson (10), and Thomas Stewart (11)- that were cut so tragically short.
The heartache of losing a child under any circumstances is unimaginable, let alone such a tragic and sudden one- and my heart goes out to all those whose lives have been impacted by this dreadful event 🖤 Anybody wishing to make a financial contribution to the boys families can do so by clicking the following link:
Click here to donate